King Love & Queen Clarity
Sphere Quartz Pendant
Wire Material: Gold
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Chemistry: SiO2 Silicon dioxide
Hardness: 7
Source: Worldwide
Chakra: Harmonizes all, aligns the aura
Number: 4
Zodiac Sign: All
Planet: Sun, Moon
Beneficial For: Energy enhancement, multidimensional cellular memory healing, efficient receptor for programming, enhancing muscle testing, cleansing and enhancing the organs, protecting against radiation, immune system, bringing the body into balance, soothing burns, a master healer for any condition.
Although the Greeks called Quartz krystallos, meaning “ice,” the name may be Germanic in origin. Prized for millennia as a worker of magic and a potent shamanic tool, Native Americans call it the brain cells of grandmother earth. Containing every color, clear quartz works on multi dimensional levels of being. Generating electromagnetism and dispelling static electricity, it is an extremely powerful healing and energy amplifier. Absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating energy, a quartz crystal, windshield, doubles your bio magnetic field, and acupuncture needles coated in Quartz increase efficacy by 10 percent. Working at a vibrational level attuned to specific requirements of the user, Quartz takes energy to the most perfect state possible, before disease set in, acting as a deep soul cleanser, and connects the physical dimension with the mind. This town is found in many shapes and formations, all of which share a generic properties but I also have specific, and unique, properties. (Necklace Chains not included)