Zmear Kallé
Petrified Wood Pendant
Crystal System: Complex
Chemistry: Complex (fossilized wood replaced with manganese, iron oxides, copper, carbon, chromium, and manganese oxides)
Hardness: 8
Source: FOund worldwide in various forms
Chakra: Cleanses and stabilizes all
Number: 77
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Planet: Neptune
Beneficial For: Immune system, joints, muscles, bones, feet, back, nervous system, lungs, motility, aging process and diseases of old age, disintegration and calcification, obesity, ddisturbed sleep patterns, ancestral DNA defects, chronic fatigue syndrome, genetic disorders, recovery from serious illness, reading the Akashic Record.
Excellent for grounding high vibrations into the earth, Petrified Wood carries ancient wisdom and long service to the planet. It assists in finding a mentor and supports the soul. Petrified Wood helps you wary less, except the things you cannot change, and make changes that are within your power. Stabilizing the environment, Petrified Wood assist oh buildings with structural problems. It is said to counter act ageism in the workplace.